Immigration of Foreign Nationals in Nepal: A Study on International Migration from India to Nepal (1961-2021)

Cross-border migration is a widespread phenomenon around the world. Around 281 million international migrants are residing outside their country as of the year 2020. Most of the beneficiaries of migration are moving towards developed nations; nonetheless, when discussing international migration, neighbouring country migration issues are frequently overlooked, particularly when migration occurs from a more developing to a less developed country. This study explores the reason for the migration and integration of Indian immigrants in Nepal. The current study uses secondary data from the Nepal population and housing census (NPHC). Descriptive statistics on the pattern and composition of Indian immigrants present in Nepal have been employed in this study based on secondary data. Seasonal short-term immigration increased by 0.9 percent in the 2011-2021 decade. In contrast, from the 2011 to the 2021 census, long-term or permanent immigration of foreign citizens (including Indians) has drastically declined (8.9%). The rate of Indian immigration has dramatically increased in the census decades of 1991 (7.9%), 2001 (2.5%), and 2021 (7.3%). The majority of Indian immigrants, both men and women, inhabit Kathmandu. Most of the districts in Nepal's southern Terai area that border India have a higher prevalence of female Indian immigrants, suggesting collaboration between India and Nepal on policy campaigns.
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