Author Guidelines

The manuscript should fulfill the following requirement:

  • The manuscript must be original and has not been published or submitted for other publications. Manuscripts typically have a word count ranging from 6,000 to 8,000 words, excluding the abstract, references, figures, and tables.
  • The abstract should not exceed 200 words, and the number of tables and figures should not be more than 9. The manuscript is submitted in 12-point font book antiqua and double space.
  • Any English spelling is acceptable, as long as it is used consistently. While any reference style is acceptable, the APA style is preferred. The use of endnotes, rather than footnotes, is suggested.
  • The manuscript may be submitted in Word format with figures and tables saved separately from the text. To ensure anonymity, the author’s names and affiliations should not appear in the submitted manuscript.
  • The anonymous manuscript must be submitted along with a separate Title Page, which includes the title of the paper; names of authors and their affiliations as well as their e-mail addresses; a preferred running head of at most 65 characters; word count of the manuscript (not including references, tables, and figures); the number of tables; the number of figures; and acknowledgment to those who have been assisting in the process of writing and funding.