Materi Ajar Gerak Lurus Berbasis Authentic Learning Menggunakan Model Collaborative Problem Solving: Validitas Aspek


  • Muhammad Jiddan Mishbahul Munir Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Mustika Wati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Saiyidah Mahtari Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



authentic learning, collaborative problem solving, materi ajar, validitas


Kemampuan memecahkan masalah dan kolaborasi dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran fisika, tetapi kurangnya sumber belajar berbasis authentic learning serta model pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai menyebabkan peserta didik kesulitan memahami materi dan menyelesaikan permasalahan secara kolaboratif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan validitas teoritis dari produk pengembangan berupa materi ajar gerak lurus berbasis authentic learning menggunakan model collaborative problem solving. Model penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah ASSURE. Data diperoleh melalui lembar validasi materi ajar yang dinilai oleh tiga validator. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa materi ajar yang dikembangkan terkategori sangat valid dengan skor rata-rata 3,55. Dengan demikian, diperoleh simpulan bahwa materi ajar gerak lurus berbasis authentic learning menggunakan model collaborative problem solving dapat diujicobakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini berpotensi untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara pengetahuan teoritis dan aplikasi praktis, meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa dan mempersiapkan siswa untuk tantangan dunia nyata.

Straight Movement Teaching Materials Based on Authentic Learning using the Collaborative Problem-Solving Model: Validity’s Aspects


Problem-solving and collaboration skills are required in the physics learning process. Still, the lack of learning resources based on authentic learning and inappropriate teaching models causes students to have difficulty understanding the material and solving problems collaboratively. This research aims to describe the theoretical validity of the developed product in the form of straight-movement teaching materials based on authentic learning using the collaborative problem-solving model. The research and development model used is ASSURE. Data were obtained through the teaching material validation sheet assessed by three validators. The validation results show that the developed teaching materials are categorized as very valid with an average score of 3.55. Thus, it is concluded that the straight movement teaching materials based on authentic learning using the collaborative problem-solving model can be tested in the learning process. The results of this study have the potential to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enhance student learning experiences, and prepare students for real-world challenges.


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How to Cite

Munir, M. J. M., Wati, M., & Mahtari, S. (2024). Materi Ajar Gerak Lurus Berbasis Authentic Learning Menggunakan Model Collaborative Problem Solving: Validitas Aspek. Journal of Authentic Research, 3(1), 10–24.


