For Authors
Author Guidelines
- Articles in the SASAMBO Journal include the results of Community Service/Empowerment activities that have never been published in other media.
- Articles submitted are written in MS Word format (doc/Docx).
- All entries will be reviewed and the author will be asked to revise the article based on the direction of the editor if necessary.
- The editorial team has the right only to provide simple corrections related to sentence structure.
- Articles written in Indonesian follow APA rules. Citation writing styles, references, tables, and images can directly follow the form of article templates.
- Rules for articles based on community service activities, namely: (1) Title (maximum 15 words); (2) The author's name (without an academic degree); (3) Abstract (maximum 250 words); (4) The introduction (without subtitles) consists of background, few references, (5) Description of community/partners/targets and objectives of community service activities; (6) Problems; (7) Method of implementation; (8) Discussion; (9) Conclusions; (10) Acknowledgments; (11) References (only lists the source cited).
- Articles are written using Times New Roman font size 12, with spaces between lines 1.5 (space 1 for abstracts), A4 paper size with multiple pages, maximum 10 pages.
- Files are sent online via the Sasambo OJS page ( through the ONLINE SUBMISSION menu
- The author's name is entered without an academic degree, followed by the name of the institution affiliated with the author and email address.
10. The title of the article is written in CAPITAL in the middle position of the font size 14 and thick. - References used should be primary sources and published within the last 10 years, it is desirable to cite articles in the published SASAMBO Journal.
- Authors should use reference management applications such as APA, Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero.
- We have a double-blind review, where reviewers and authors do not know each other's names during the process. Reviewers are chosen based on their area of expertise. The editor will return the article to the author after going through a review process for revision by the author. The editor is responsible for making the final decision, accepting or rejecting, and will inform the author via email.
- The author is responsible for all the contents of the article that has been made and for the use of citations or copies or adaptations of tables/pictures published in print or other electronic media. All content that is not accompanied by proof/quote will be considered original by the author. The issuer is not officially responsible if there are complaints or claims for compensation in the future.
- Writers whose articles are published will get a print journal of one copy. Journal shipping costs are not borne by the publisher. Articles that do not pass the publication will not be returned unless there is a request from the author.