Evaluasi Keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Bali di Desa Giri Tembesi, Kabupaten Lombok Barat
Inseminasi Buatan, Tingkat Keberhasilan, Sapi Bali, Conception RateAbstract
Desa Giri Tembesi, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, memiliki populasi sapi Bali yang signifikan dengan sebagian besar peternak menggunakan teknologi Inseminasi Buatan (IB). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi tingkat keberhasilan IB berdasarkan Conception Rate (CR), Service per Conception (S/C), dan Calving Interval (CI). Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dilakukan pada 100 peternak dengan data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur. Hasil menunjukkan CR sebesar 42%, S/C rata-rata 1,96, dan CI rata-rata 13,33 bulan. Rendahnya CR menunjukkan perlunya peningkatan keterampilan inseminator dan manajemen deteksi birahi. Rekomendasi mencakup pelatihan inseminator, peningkatan nutrisi ternak, dan edukasi peternak untuk mendukung keberhasilan IB. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar bagi pengembangan strategi peningkatan produktivitas sapi Bali melalui teknologi reproduksi.
Evaluation of Artificial Insemination Success in Bali Cattle in Giri Tembesi Village, West Lombok Regency
Giri Tembesi Village, West Lombok Regency, has a significant population of Bali cattle, with most farmers utilizing Artificial Insemination (AI) technology. This study aimed to evaluate AI success rates based on Conception Rate (CR), Service per Conception (S/C), and Calving Interval (CI). A quantitative descriptive approach was conducted on 100 farmers, with primary data collected through structured interviews. Results showed a CR of 42%, an average S/C of 1.96, and an average CI of 13.33 months. The low CR indicates the need for improved inseminator skills and estrus detection management. Recommendations include inseminator training, enhanced cattle nutrition, and farmer education to support AI success. This study provides a foundation for developing strategies to improve Bali cattle productivity through reproductive technology.
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