Citedness in Scopus
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika has been cited 142 times by Scopus-indexed documents.
Updated: September 23, 2024
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- e-Saintika
- Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika
- J. Penelit. Pengkaj. Ilmu Pendidik: e-Saintika
- J. Penelit. dan Pengkaj. Ilmu Pendidik. e-Saintika
- Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: E-Saintika
- esaintika
- J. Penelit. Dan Pengkaj. Ilmu Pendidik. E-Saintika
- J. Penelit. Dan. Pengkaj. Ilmu Pendidik.: e-St.
- J Penelit dan Pengkaj Ilmu Pendidik e-Saintika
Document Title |
Authors |
Year |
Cited By |
Citation Count |
Bioindicators for forest area condition: A systematic literature review |
Rahardjanto A., Husamah H. |
2024 |
1 |
Recent Progress in the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Education |
Bilad, M. R., Yaqin, L. N., & Zubaidah, S. |
2023 |
8 |
Integrated Project in Separation Process Class as Innovative Tool to Improve Students’ Online Learning Experience |
Sambudi, N. S., Jusoh, N., Sapiaa, N. A. H., & Ahmad, S. I. |
2023 |
1 |
Information and Communications Technology in Engineering Graphics and Design Classrooms: A post COVID-19 era |
Mlambo, P. B. |
2023 |
1 |
Factors Influencing Construction Technology Teachers’ Ability to Conduct Simulations Effectively |
Mtshali, T. I., & Msimango, S. M. |
2023 |
3 |
Organisational Learning and Knowledge Sharing Culture in Township Schools: An Exploration of Effective and Ineffective Practices |
Nkambule, B. I. |
2023 |
4 |
The Significance of hand tool skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A focus on the construction concept |
Mhlongo, K. M., Khoza, S. D., & Skosana, N. M. |
2023 |
1 |
Comics as a Teaching and Learning Strategy in Primary Social Studies Lessons |
Sani, H., Jaidin, J. H., Shahrill, M., & Jawawi, R. |
2022 |
2 |
Can Virtual Reality Increases Students Interest in Computational Chemistry Course? A Review |
Jumbri, K & Ishak, M.A.I |
2022 |
5 |
Metacognition in Science Learning: Bibliometric Analysis of Last Two Decades |
Wirzal, M. D. H., Halim, N. S. A., Md Nordin, N. A. H., & Bustam, M. A. |
2022 |
1 |
Information Communication Technology and Social Studies Instruction in Delta State, Nigeria |
Atubi, O. F. |
2022 |
1 |
Challenges of Transformation in Higher Education Curriculum Development in South Africa during Time of Decolonisation |
Ramonyai, I.P., Marumo, M.L., Skhephe, M., Matashu, M. |
2022 |
1 |
Analysis of Students’ Collaborative, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creative Abilities through Problem-Based Learning |
Susetyarini, E., Nurohman, E., & Husamah, H. |
2022 |
5 |
Forward Osmosis for Produced Water Treatment: A Comprehensive Review |
Mohd Hizam, S., Bilad, M. R., Md Nordin, N. A. H., & Shamsuddin, N. |
2021 |
2 |
The C-BIM Model in Improving Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking Skills: Outcome and Perception |
Haerazi, H., Dehghani, S., Rachmawati, U., Irwansyah, D. |
2021 |
1 |
The Impact of Guided-Discovery-Learning Model on Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Critical Thinking Skills |
Muhali, M., Prahani, B. K., Mubarok, H., Kurnia, N., & Asy’ari, M. |
2021 |
3 |
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO thin layers using sol-gel spin coating method |
Ahzan S., Darminto D., Nugroho F.A.A., Prayogi S. |
2021 |
2 |
The influence of education and local culture on community preparedness in facing disasters |
Sayuti R. H., Inderasari O. P., Evendi A. |
2021 |
5 |
Online learning in the post-Covid-19 pandemic era: Is our higher education ready for it? |
Djidu H., Mashuri S., Nasruddin N., Sejati A.E., Rasmuin R., La Arua A. |
2021 |
12 |
STEM Approach: The Development of Optical Instruments Module to Foster Scientific Literacy Skill |
Shofiyah, N., Mauliana, M. I., Istiqomah, I., & Wulandari, R. |
2021 |
2 |
Implementation of linguistic politeness throughout online lectures via WhatsApp during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Halil, N. I., Takwa, T., & Musliha, M. |
2021 |
1 |
Development of Web-Based Science Learning Module in Improving the Students’ Understanding of Eco-Literacy |
Firdausi A., Wulandari F.E. |
2021 |
2 |
Thermal Annealing Surface Modification: Effect on Surface and Performance of Electrospun Nylon 6,6 Nanofiber Membrane for Wastewater Treatment |
Mohd Asri, M. A. N., Abd Halim, N. S., Wirzal, M. D. H., Mohd Yusoff, A. R., & Bilad, M. R. |
2021 |
3 |
Progress in development of Membrane Fouling Control for Microalgae Filtration: A Review |
Razak, N. N. A. N., & Bilad, M. R. |
2021 |
3 |
The Effectiveness of Using Edmodo as an Online Learning Platform in Covid-19 |
Halil, N. I. |
2020 |
4 |
Virtual Screening: Prediksi potensi 8-shogaol terhadap c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) |
Bare, Y., S, M., Tiring, S. S. N. D., Sari, D. R. T., & Maulidi, A. |
2020 |
4 |
Development of STEM-Based Chemistry Textbooks to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Skills |
Hidayatulloh, R., Suyono, S., Azizah, U. |
2020 |
2 |
Pengaruh Gaya Mengajar dan Koordinasi Mata-Tangan terhadap Keterampilan Dasar Forehand Tenis |
Maulidin, M., Syah, H., & Primayanti, I. |
2020 |
1 |
The Effect of Personal Attitude and Subjective Norm on Entrepreneurial Interest of Biology Education Students |
Muliadi, A., & Mirawati, B. |
2020 |
1 |
Inquiry model with diorama media to improve student learning outcomes |
Kustadiyono, I. D. |
2020 |
1 |
Exploration of Environmental Care Attitudes in Students Ar-Rohmah Islamic Boarding School Malang Based on the New Ecological Paradigm Instrument |
Hidayati, D. A., Husamah, H., Fatmawati, D., Miharja, F. J., & Fauzi, A. |
2020 |
2 |
Pengaruh kinerja guru biologi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya |
Deke, O. |
2020 |
1 |
Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi dan Self-Efficacy Matematis Siswa melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik |
Siregar, S. U., Harahap, A., Milfayetti, S., & Hajar, I. |
2020 |
1 |
Mobile Learning to Improve Student Collaborative Skills: An Alternative to Online Learning in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic |
Dwikoranto, D., Setiani, R., Prahani, B. K., & Mubarok, H. |
2020 |
8 |
Proses dan Kendala Pembelajaran Biologi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Analisis Respon Mahasiswa |
Jariyah, I. A., & Tyastirin, E. |
2020 |
4 |
The Effectiveness of Jarimatika Methods with Tapertis Media on Students’ Multiplication Concept Understanding |
Purwanti, K. Y., & Khoiriyah, I. S. A. |
2020 |
1 |
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika pada Materi Segitiga Melalui Pendekatan Penemuan Terbimbing Siswa SMP |
Nasruddin, N., Mashuri, S., & Nafiah, U. |
2020 |
1 |
Desain Pembelajaran Gelombang untuk Membentuk Calon Guru Fisika yang Terampil, Berbudaya dan Paham Teknologi Digital |
Anwar, K., Rusdiana, D., Kaniawati, I., Viridi, S. |
2020 |
1 |
Pengaruh Model Guided Inquiry Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMAN 1 Pringgarata |
Akbar, M. A., Hikmawati, H., & Rokhmat, J. |
2020 |
1 |
Determination of kinetic parameters and the effect of ion Mg2+ inhibition into pectinase activities |
Anggraini, D.P., Sulistiana, D., Agustina, D.K., Ulimaz, A. |
2020 |
2 |
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran terhadap Motivasi Belajar: Tinjauan berdasarkan Karakter Generasi Z |
Nawawi, M.I. |
2020 |
1 |
Pembelajaran Inovatif Abad Ke-21 |
Muhali |
2019 |
13 |
Integrasi Karakter Bangsa Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik pada Perencanaan Pembelajaran IPS SMPN di Kecamatan Sape, Bima |
Waluyati, I., Irfan, & Nurnazmi, N. |
2019 |
1 |
Asesmen Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi |
Mahanal, S. |
2019 |
4 |
Pendidikan karakter terintegrasi keterampilan abad ke-21 [21st century skills integrated character education] |
Zubaidah, S. |
2019 |
1 |
Pengembangan LKS Biologi SMA Berbasis Praktikum dengan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa |
Mirawati, B., & Royani, I. |
2019 |
1 |
Profil Pemahaman Konsep Evolusi Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi FPMIPA IKIP Mataram |
Firdaus, L., Samsuri, T., Hunaepi, H., & Mirawati, B. |
2019 |
1 |
E-Learning Moodle, Media Pembelajaran Fisika Abad 21 |
Anggraeni, D. M., & Sole, F. B. |
2018 |
8 |
Inovasi Pembelajaran Elektronik dan Tantangan Guru Abad 21 |
Sole, F. B., & Anggraeni, D. M. |
2018 |
3 |
Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada Materi Program Linear untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa |
Bili, M. R., & Ate, D. |
2018 |
1 |
Uji Mekanik Bata Ringan Berbahan Dasar Limbah Pengolahan Emas dengan Variasi Limbah Batu-bara dan Semen [The Mechanical Test of Lightweight Brick Made from Gold Processing Waste with Variations in Coal and Cement Waste] |
Wathoni, M. M., Prasetya, D. S. B., & Pangga, D. |
2018 |
2 |
Pengaruh Teknik Pembelajaran Listening Team Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa |
Khotimah, H., Sumiyati, S., & Nurjannah, N. |
2017 |
1 |
Pengembangan Instrumen Kognitif Fisika Siswa SMP [Development of Physics Cognitive Instruments Of Junior High School Students] |
Wati, M., & Mahtari, S. |
2017 |
1 |